Time TBD
If you're yearning and ready to connect with your spirit guide without having to spend years and years locked away in a temple even if you've never meditated a day in your life then you need to read every word below.
Or perhaps you sometimes hear your spirit guide or receive a divine download but it's hit or miss...
Connecting with your own spirit guide is an inherent gift every one is born with. It's as natural as breathing but over time we loose that connection for various reasons. Perhaps, it's the family that just doesn't get it, or you live in an area that doesn't promote new age, woo woo stuff, or the corporate world that shuts down anything nonphysical.
Hi, we're Bobbie G and Kelly Lunt and we get it. As Intuitive Channels who channel full-time guiding people back to their inherent connection to source and their own spirit guides we used to be there. Doubting if the guidance was our own desire or ego or if the connection was even real. We've both worked in the corporate world, Bobbie as a pyschotherapist and Kelly in Silicon Valley, shutting down our connection because what would others think?