Soul Conversations with Gregory Part 5: The Soul, Personalities, and Linear Time

Hello all!

Welcome to our ongoing conversations about the Soul with the Gregory Continuum. While we spoke last time about messages from the soul and how to honor your Spiritual Self, this week we’re going to dive into:

  • The health of the soul

  • How personality relates to the soul, and

  • The impact of time on our life experience.

So let’s get right into this juicy material.

Is there such a thing as a healthy soul and an unhealthy one?

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Monica Chin
Soul Converstations with Gregory Part 4:

Thanks for joining us for another Soul Conversation with Gregory. We’re jumping right back in to where we left off last week. Previously, Gregory shared some incredible tools to connect with our soul and raise our vibration. This not only allows us to honor the spiritual path for our lives, but allows us to more clearly hear the messages that spirit has for us along the way.

This time, we’re going to uncover answers to the following questions:

  • How does the soul communicate with the personality?

  • Is the soul affected by linear time?

  • How do we gain wisdom in our lives?

  • How can we work with our soul, and its knowledge, to move forward in our lives?

  • Is there such a thing as a healthy or unhealthy soul?

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Bobbie Gray
Soul Conversations with Gregory Part 3: Different Aspects of the Soul

Welcome to another Soul Conversation with the Gregory Continuum.

This week we are going to cover such questions as:

  • What are the different levels of the soul?

  • How do we increase our energetic vibration to tap into the wisdom of the soul?

  • What benefits arise from tapping into the energy of the soul?

  • How do we understand messages from spirit?

  • What does it mean to live according to the spiritual self?

  • How do we balance the egoic mind and the spiritual self when making decisions?

Let’s dive in and get started!

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Monica Chin
Soul Conversations with Gregory Part 2: How do we connect with the soul?

Welcome back to another great conversation with Gregory regarding the soul.

Last week, we discussed the following topics:

  • What is the soul?

  • Does the soul have a purpose?

  • How is the game of life played on Earth?

  • Why is there struggle in life?

  • How do we see through the illusion of separateness?

This week, as we dive even deeper into the concepts of the soul, and our purpose here on Earth, we want to remind you of a few important points:

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Bobbie Gray
Soul Conversations with Gregory Part 1: What is the soul?

Hi, I’m Kym Coco and welcome to the first of many conversations we will be having with the Gregory Continuum, as channeled by Bobbie G, regarding the soul.

The soul is an invisible aspect of humanity that often gets referenced, but may not fully be understood. Our aim is to discuss the nature of the soul, how it affects our lives on Earth, and how we can embrace the the power of it to maximize our human experience...

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Bobbie Gray